Red Tent Circle

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Red Tent Circle

The Red Tent or Moon Lodge is simply a gathering of women that occurs every new moon when girls and women are most in need of support, rest, and reflection. A timeless tradition observed by ancient cultures it serves as a regular sacred space to empower one's feminine self, embrace and embody their womanhood.

Together we will explore the effect the lunar phases and seasonal cycles have on women's 4 bodies (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual) including energy levels, social engagement and intuition.

This circle is open to woman of all ages whether you are a young women who newly started their moon cycle, women in the middle years of their moon cycle or a women who has entered moon-pause, no matter the reason.

We encourage mother's to bring daughters & daughter's to bring their mothers. We encourage sisters to bring their sisters and friends to bring their friends.

There is no cost for this monthly circle and yet donations are appreciated to help support this circle for the future.

Total due $7

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